June 24, 2008

What's your very best?

The Death Crawl - Facing The Giants

Shane Myspace Video

I love this video. I think it represents how the Lord is with us. He does not show us what is ahead because he doesn't want us to quit when we have more left. I think of all the things I have faced in my life and if I would have known what was ahead I would have given up. Watch it for sure and think of the struggle you are facing and give your very best.

June 17, 2008

From the mouths of babes.

Caity had this small quote hanging up in her room on a post-it note. I think it is so profound. If you can't read it, it says "OH THE THINGS LOVE CAN DOO!!" I love it. She is just so sweet. I nominate this for the quote of the year.

Top Ten Things To Do When You Don't Have Gas Money

  1. Blog. Update with a new post, or come up with your own Top Ten list. Go on a random rant, or say something you have been wanting to say,
  2. Hug someone you love. It's free and binds hearts together. We forget to do this to often.
  3. Read snuggle up with a book. Pick one you have on hand but have not read in a long time. If the library is close by you can walk to check out books... if not borrow one from a friend.
  4. Exercise. Take a walk, Run and chase your kids. They love a never ending game of tag. Yoga or stretches. Get some cans of food out of your pantry and do arm curls.
  5. Work on an long over due project. Clean out the garage. Go through your clothes. Any project you have been putting off.
  6. Take a nap. Naps are always free. Take a rest you deserve it.
  7. Clean your car out... if you can't drive it, it should at least look nice sitting there.
  8. Come up with ways to recycle. Do something with old newspapers or magazines you have laying around. Set up some system to recycle things in your house. Call and find out where the local drop points are for your recyclable goods. (If you're not lucky enough to have curb side pickup)
  9. Listen to the radio. Sometimes nothing lifts your spirits more. And it might make you feel like you're driving.
  10. Look through old photos. Reminisce about days gone by, enjoy a few old memories. The things you forgot may surprise you.

June 15, 2008

For Fathers Day.

I often hear people say that your relationship with your father can account for your views of God. Well, this got me to thinking again. What are some of the traits of my father that are paralleled to my view of God.
  1. Dad always imparted justice, I see God as just.
  2. Dad always cultured and exposed us to things that would make us well rounded people, I see God as wanting us to experience things so we will be loving and understanding of others as He is.
  3. Dad always gave us responsibilities to help us grow as people, God gives us responsibilities so we will learn to lean on Him.
  4. Dad made sure we had respect for others, God wants us to have respect for others.
  5. Dad wants us to come to him with our troubles and burdens... but he never tells us what to do. He listens and guides us through the process. God does not always hand us the answers to our prayer on a silver platter, but He does comfort us as we struggle and encourage us to make the right choice.
  6. Dad is loving. God is loving.
  7. Dad is self sacrificing. God is self sacrificing.
  8. Dad is loyally committed and unfaltering regardless of if others come and go with their commitments. God is committed to us no matter what.
If this saying about fathers is true... I am glad I had a father who models these attributes for me. I love you Dad and Happy Fathers Day!