i guess number one is another baby has been graced to us. So that makes 6 preordained lives entrusted into our care!(quiver is getting a little less roomy:)
In more ways than one, but especially on the career front, our paths for life the ones we thought were set in stone for us....have been chiseled away and something totally different has taken shape.
Its been a challenge. i thought we were being chiseled into a pillar. I guess due to just wanting a "normal" life of consistency....but not to be our path! i have found that at times i have wondered if we would survive the tapping away of unneeded rock. Sometimes saying "OH, Lord a little to much that time....Or that's a little close to the quick don't you think?" When it was done would we be more than a pebble? But through it i have come to understand that even a pebble can have a place of significance. A wall does not stand with cracks and only the smallest pieces can patch it. Yet they hold in some ways the most important role. They keep the structure standing!
(a little note after editing)
What's funny is after i wrote this saved it and came back i saw a neat little video of this same idea! i will post a link to it at the bottom
i am coming to embrace what i was made to be..... and my size and power does not matter as much as my purpose does. Being true to that makes the fall of the hammer easier.
First i would like to address why i have not been here in so long. i allowed people who felt they knew what the proper things to say were and what was acceptable before God, and man, push me away! Weakness....on my part. Such a desire to have no conflict that i gave in. But I have been hearing a snip it on Klove that talks about conflictlessness and sinlessness not being mutually exclusive! So true!
So when a friend of mine....a new one that has been brought into my life (another great update), made her blog private for similar reasons, i recalled how much i loved this place and dusted off the old blog. Reposted a few of the things i tore down. When i had taken things down i erased most of the posts....but a few that were close to my heart so i could not get rid of them. i just could never bring myself to delete the blog, even though i tried.
Well, the updates.....
I substitute my blog self expression for facebook! I became a facebook addict! (not really an addict hopefully)
Early On-set Parkinson's that was a big one! Why I decided to call this post back to the future! a double meaning with coming back to blogging moving towards the future and the whole Parkinson's thing!
Jason became very sick over these last few years and had to stop driving....which was his career, and discovered he had Parkinson's! What most people say is "like Michael J. Fox?" The answer is yes. But, surprisingly we are so grateful for the whole experience! What more to be said about that in the future?
Before that new baby came...Yes it was a Son, and his name is George. A year old now! We had a beautiful home birth this makes our fourth home birth! Still homeschooling, FINALLY found the church God wants us to be in( Praise for that).
We have grown, and strained, and endured........
After putting us through all that of course The Lord would move from tilling the ground making the rows to planting the seeds, and that is where we are. He is carefully choosing the seed and placing it in the worked soil he prepare. Now the most difficult part of the whole garden comes......maintaining favorable conditions for optimum growth....hoeing and weed pulling, watering, covering during frost and waiting!
So this blog is changing too, really just starting fresh. It will become a collaboration between Jason and I. A family blog! Nothing set in stone yet. Although stone can change too! :) We will wait and see.