After all our cleaning was done, it was time to sweep. The boys room was mostly just dirt. I thought boys must produce dirt. Then I realized it is the base for the creation of all man. Adam was made from dirt. (Isn't that ironic) The name actually means "red earth". So the next time I think my boys are attracting dirt, I must remember they were made from it. I found it ironic that man was made from dirt. So that would make us dirty right? Dirty is defined in the dictionary as 1. soiled with dirt; foul; unclean. 2. imparting dirt; soiling. 3. vile; mean. 4. morally unclean indecent. Other words that describe dirty are: filthy,foul, and squalid. Filthy; it is an emphatic word suggesting that which is offensively defiled or is excessively soiled. Foul; implies an uncleanness that is grossly offensive to the senses. Squalid; applied usually to dwellings or surroundings, implies dirtiness that results from the slovenly indifference often associated with poverty. Our righteousnesses is described as filthy rags.(Isaiah 64:6) Doesn't that mean at our closest to God we are " an uncleanness that is grossly offensive to the sense? ( does that not describe the state of man kind in a nut shell?) When I look at this direct list of ingredients of human kind, I have to say my nose turns up. I don't mind dirt that much but the description given to thing containing dirt or things that are dirty is a bit harsh. Squalid applied to a dwelling, our earthly bodies are squalid and our indifference to God is associated with poverty or being poor. We will never be able to reconcile the difference of the inside and the outside. They are a reminder of our squalid existance. Another verse that this brings to mind is how God "remembers we are just dust."(Psalm 103:14) He has compassion on us because he knows what we are made of dust. Dust is 1. Earth of other matter in fine, dry particles. 2. any powdered earth or other matter in the air. 3. that to which anything, as the human body is reduced by disintegration or decay 4. a dead body 5. a low or humble condition. 6. anything worthless. Is God trying to send us a message or what. He has likened us to these descriptions.Imagining a homeless man who walked up and down the streets. Doing his very best to survive. When he was tired he slept, he ate what ever he could find. He had not showered or changed his clothing in so long he could not even remember when the last time was. He went through the hot summers and the cold winters in the same clothes. Clothes so foul smelling that to come close to him may make you feel queasy. The assault of his foulness is apparent physically and his smell is strong and unpleasant even from a distance....................................... This is the appearance of you and I at our most righteous moment before God. Christ came to take that away and to give us his righteousness. In Rev 7:13-14 John asks who the people are in the white robes and he is told they are the ones who have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb.(read the rest of the chapter and imagine yourself homeless and dirty it will make you cry) I know you can picture how amazing a shower and fresh clothing would fill after many days of living and accepting your own filth.(any one who has been on a BIVWAC sure can) Sure it happens gradually and you just accept it and get used to it. But once you get a shower, you would feel so good. Close your eyes and feel that relaxed feeling you know has to come across you. We have been living with ourselves like this for a life time. What a relief it must be to finally be and feel clean.
Isn't it funny how sweeping a pile of dirt can lead to all that? I can't help it I have tried.
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